Bird’s Eye View (Literally)
I love watching pigeons sitting in a row on overhead cables.
I don’t know why, really. Perhaps it is the convergence of nature and the man-made jungle.
Seeing that much wildlife within the context of the grey, concrete city seems incongruent and, when you really think about it, remarkable.
I think what adds to my amusement, and amazement, is their ‘settled-ness’.
They seem so comfy, so at home; like they’ve nestled in to watch their fave Netflix series, ‘Game of Human Crones.’
I always get the sense that telephone cables are the pigeon version of a coffee shop, where they gather to gossip about the day’s events, as well as us humans.
Hey, Mabel… how are you today?
Hey Hank.
Ah, you know… bit of bird rheumatism affecting my pigeon toes,
but other than that, I’m good.
How about you? How’s the missus and the kids?
Missus is good.